This code talks to a 20MHz PAK-I using PIC Basic Pro and a roll your own Shiftin/Shiftout routine. The timing is different because the 20MHZ PAKs have different maximum timing than a 50MHz PAK:
pakclock con 6 ' 12us @ 20MHz (adjust for your clock) pakclocklow con 6 ' 6uS low 12uS + 6uS + 2uS hold = 20uS = 50kbps
This code could easily be used with a PAK-II or PAK-IX since these are supersets of the PAK-I. You can compare the BS2 library provided on the disk with this code and easily add additional functions you need.
' These are some starter routines ' that will help you use the PAK-1 ' Coprocessor from AWC Include "modedefs.bas" define LOADER_USED 1 ' comment this out if not using a boot loader Define OSC 20 DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h DEFINE HSER_BAUD 19200 ' Change these to suit your setup datap var portc.2 ' Data pin (I/O) datapin var portc.2 clk var portc.3 ' Clk pin (output) ' Constants for options FSaturate con $80 ' saturate on underflow/overflow FRound con $40 ' round results output clk output datap sioi var byte ' shiftin/shiftout counter iobyte var byte ' shiftin/shiftout data fpstatus var byte ' FPSTATUS - result of last operation fpx var word ' Integer used by some routines fpdigit var byte ' Digit returned from DIGIT fpxlow var word ' The X register low & high fpxhigh var word fpb var byte ' Temporary byte ' The X register in bytes fpxb0 var fpxlow.lowbyte fpxb1 var fpxlow.highbyte fpxb2 var fpxhigh.lowbyte fpxb3 var fpxhigh.highbyte gosub freset ' always reset! ' TEST CODE -- REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN ' Square root table i var word fpx=$10 gosub IODir ' demo: make an output on port 4 for i=1 to 1000 fpx=i//2*$10 ' make output LED blink gosub IOWrite fpx=i ' number ' load I as integer gosub floadint gosub fsqrt ' compute square root fpx=2 hserout [dec i, " - " ] ' write # and square root (2 digits) gosub fdump hserout [" Error="] ' compute error by squaring the square gosub fswap ' root and subtracting it from the number fpx=i gosub floadint gosub fswap gosub fsquare ' square answer gosub fsub ' subtract answer and squared result fpx=1 ' write result gosub fdump hserout [13,10] ' new line next end ' END OF TEST CODE ---- ' Reset the Pak1 FReset: LOW DATAP LOW CLK pauseus 50 HIGH CLK pauseus 50 HIGH DATAP pauseus 50 LOW CLK pauseus 50 return ' Helper function ' Wait for +,-,*,/,INT,FLOAT, & DIGIT to complete Fwaitdata: input DATAP if DATAPIN=1 then Fwaitdata return 'Change sign FChs: fpb=10 FSendByte: iobyte=fpb gosub shiftoutput return 'Absolute Value FAbs: fpb=17 goto FSendByte ' Store0 FSto0: fpb=18 goto FSendByte 'Store1 FSto1: fpb=$92 goto FSendByte 'Rcl0 FRcl0: fpb=19 goto FSendByte 'Rcl1 FRcl1: fpb=$93 goto FSendByte ' Load X with fpxhigh, fpxlow FLoadX: iobyte=1 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb3 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb2 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb1 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb0 gosub shiftoutput return ' Load Y with fpxhigh, fpxlow FLoadY: iobyte=2 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb3 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb2 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb1 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpxb0 gosub shiftoutput return ' Load X with 0 FZeroX: iobyte=1 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput return ' Load Y with 0 FZeroY: iobyte=2 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput return ' Load an integer from FPX to X FLoadInt: iobyte=1 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=0 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpx.highbyte gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpx.lowbyte gosub shiftoutput ' Convert from Int iobyte=7 gosub shiftoutput goto fpstat ' to int FInt: iobyte=11 gosub shiftoutput gosub Fwaitdata gosub shiftinput fpstatus=iobyte if fpstatus<>0 then FInterr ' Read the X register FreadX: fpb=3 gosub FSendByte gosub shiftinput fpxb3=iobyte gosub shiftinput fpxb2=iobyte gosub shiftinput fpxb1=iobyte gosub shiftinput fpxb0=iobyte fpx = fpxlow FInterr: return ' Swap X and Y FSwap: fpb=4 goto FSendByte ' Load X with pi FPI: iobyte=1 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$80 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$49 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$F gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$DB gosub shiftoutput return ' Load X with e Fe: iobyte=1 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$80 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$2D gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$F8 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=$54 gosub shiftoutput return ' X=X*Y FMult: fpb=12 fpstats: gosub FSendByte ' Fall into next routine ' internal: wait for status fpstat: gosub FWaitdata gosub shiftinput fpstatus=iobyte return ' status ' X=X/Y FDiv: fpb=13 goto fpstats ' X=X+Y FAdd: fpb=15 goto fpstats ' X=X-Y FSub: fpb=14 goto fpstats ' Get Digit (fpx is digit #) return in fpdigit FGetDigit: iobyte=5 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpx gosub shiftoutput Fgetdigw: gosub fwaitdata gosub shiftinput fpdigit=iobyte return ' Dump a number. fpx is # of digits before decimal point ' Assumes 6 digits after decimal point ' You can change by modifying $86 below ' (for example, $83 would give 3 digits) FDump: fdj var byte fdnz var bit fdjj var byte fdjj=fpx fpx=0 fdnz=0 gosub FgetDigit ' Remove this line to print + and space for + and 0 numbers if fpdigit="+" or fpdigit=" " then Fdumppos Hserout [fpdigit] Fdumppos: for fdj=1 to fdjj fpx=fdjj+1-fdj gosub FgetDigit if fpdigit="0" and fdnz=0 then FdumpNext fdnz=1 Hserout [fpdigit] Fdumpnext: next Hserout ["."] for fpx=$81 to $86 gosub FgetDigit Hserout [fpdigit] next return ' Set options in fpx ' $80 = saturate ' $40 = round FOption: iobyte=$10 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpx gosub shiftoutput return ' Copy X to Y FXtoY: fpb=$17 goto FSendByte ' Copy Y to X FYtoX: fpb=$18 goto FSendByte ' Set I/O Direction (dir in fpx) IODir: iobyte=$14 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpx gosub shiftoutput return ' Write bits in FPX to I/O port IOWrite: iobyte=$16 gosub shiftoutput iobyte=fpx gosub shiftoutput return ' Read bits to FPX IORead: fpb=$15 gosub FSendByte gosub shiftinput fpx=iobyte return ' Square Root, set tolerance below ' Note: the PAK-II and IX have hardware square root fsqrt: gosub fsto1 ' R1=target ' guess half the original # fpxhigh=$8000 fpxlow=0 gosub floady gosub fdiv gosub fsto0 ' R0=guess goto fsqrterr freguess: gosub frcl0 ' get guess gosub fsquare ' square it gosub fswap ' put it in Y gosub frcl1 ' get target gosub fswap ' x=guess squared; y=target gosub fsub ' subtract gosub freadx ' get x to fpxhigh,fpxlow gosub frcl0 ' get guess gosub fswap ' y=guess fpx=2 ' x=2 gosub floadint gosub fmult ' x=2*guess gosub fswap ' y=2*guess gosub floadx ' x=guess squared - target gosub fdiv ' x=x/y gosub fswap ' y=x/y term gosub frcl0 ' x=guess gosub fsub ' x=guess-term gosub fsto0 ' new guess fsqrterr: gosub fsquare gosub fswap gosub frcl1 gosub fsub gosub fabs ' Select your error tolerance ' more precise values may fail to converge or take a long time ' check for error<.01 fpxhigh=$7823 fpxlow=$D70A ' check for error <.001 'fpxhigh=$7503 'fpxlow=$126f ' check for error<.0001 - warming may not converge 'fpxhigh=$7151 'fpxlow=$B717 gosub floady gosub fsub fpx=0 gosub fgetdigit if fpdigit="+" then freguess ' Found it! gosub frcl0 return End ' X=X**2 ; does not destroy Y, but destroys fpxlow/fpxhigh ' Note: PAKII and IX have this built in Fsquare: gosub fswap ' get y gosub freadx ' save it gosub fytox ' y->x gosub fmult ' x=x*y gosub floady ' restore old y return pakclock con 6 ' 12us @ 20MHz (adjust for your clock) pakclocklow con 6 ' 6uS low 12uS + 6uS + 2uS hold = 20uS = 50kbps shiftoutput: ' sends iobyte output datapin for sioi=0 to 7 ' Set data pin to 0 or 1 low datapin if (iobyte & $80) <> $80 then goto so0 high datapin so0: iobyte=iobyte<<1 ' shift byte left pauseus pakclocklow pulsout clk,pakclock pauseus 2 next pauseus 50 ' give it some time to process return shiftinput: input datapin iobyte=0 for sioi=0 to 7 iobyte=iobyte<<1 ' shift left iobyte=iobyte | datap pauseus pakclocklow pulsout clk,pakclock pauseus 2 ' hold data a tick next return
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