The new PAK-VIIb has a special feature that allows it to read quadrature data inputs. What's a quadrature input? Consider a typical (non optical) mouse that connects to a PC. Inside there are two shafts that the ball moves. Each shaft has a slotted wheel on the end. On one side of the wheel is an LED. On the other side are two phototransistors.
The mechanical arrangement is such that when the wheels turn, the slits let light pass to one transistor before it hits the other. Which transistor gets lit up first depends on the direction of the wheel. Obviously, the width of the pulses will tell you the speed the wheel is moving and the number of pulses can tell you how far the wheel has traveled. The PAK-VII can easily measure all of these quantities!
Here's a scope trace of a wheel turning counter clockwise:
Note that channel 2's pulses are ahead of channel 1's pulses. Here's a trace of the wheel turning clockwise:
Here, the situation is reversed. Channel 1's pulses arrive before the pulses from channel 2.
Each channel on the PAK-VIIb has an enable input. Suppose you connect the signal from trace 1 to the enable pin and the signal from trace 2 to the corresponding PAK-VIIb input. The enable input only allows the PAK to count edges when it is high. In the first scope picture, then, the PAK will ignore the rising edges on channel 2 because the enable pin will be low. However, it will count the falling edges, since by then the enable signal will be high. Therefore, the falling edge count will tell you how far the wheel traveled in the counter clockwise direction. The duration registers will tell you how fast the wheel is moving if you need to know that.
In the second scope trace, the situation is reversed. The rising edge of pulse 2 occurs during the enable, but the PAK ignores the falling edge. Therefore, the falling edge register tells you the travel distance in the clockwise direction. Of course, which register is which depends on how you hook up the signals. If you put channel 1 on the input and channel 2 on the enable pin, the registers would be reversed (the rising count would indicate counter clockwise).
The exact circuit you'll need will depend on the mouse you use. I gutted a cheap serial mouse. A quick probe with the scope showed me which pins were changing when the wheels spin (you do have to supply the mouse with 5V, of course). The outputs of the phototransistors were not very high level, so I connected each output to the base of a 2N222 through a 1K resistor. The whole circuit looked like this (you have to build two copies; one for each input):
Of course, your mouse may be different. If you are using a commercial shaft encoder, it probably already has 5V outputs.
I connected the PAK to a Basic Stamp 2p just as it shows in the manual:
I connected the Data line to Stamp pin 15 and the Clock line to Stamp pin 14. I also connected a standard RC servo to pin 7 of the Basic Stamp so I could do something interesting with the wheel data. The mouse inputs I connected to P0 (on the diagram above) and pin 18 (this is marked N/C on the schematic, but it is actually the P0 enable).
The RC servo needs power, too, of course. I used 4 AA cells for that (be sure to make a common ground between the digital circuit power supply and the motor supply).
I had in mind to make sort of a software synchro (they tell me no one says selsyn anymore). The idea is that motion in the wheel will cause similar motion on the servo.
Using the PAK-VII library, the main program is pretty simple:
GOSUB freset ' always reset! ' Turn on pull up resistors for input fpx=0 GOSUB fpullup ' Read channel 0 all the time chan=0 clearreg=0 xloop: clearchan=0 ' Get the RISE register w/o clearing anything register=RISE GOSUB FCommand i=fpx ' store answer in temp variable register=FALL ' Now get the FALL register AND clear everything clearchan=1 GOSUB FCommand GOSUB style2 ' Now fpx and i have the direction data, so control the servo GOTO xloop
I used two different servo routines to get different behavior. Here's my first routine that starts the servo spinning in the direction of the wheel turn until you turn the wheel back (this was a modified servo that continuously rotates; you probably shouldn't try this one with a standard servo):
' wheel sets rotation direction speed style1: IF i<>0 OR fpx<>0 THEN ' if the wheel moved IF i>fpx THEN ' set pulse width pw=pw+(i*100) ELSE pw=pw-(fpx*100) ENDIF DEBUG DEC i,":",DEC fpx," ",SDEC pw," ", SDEC CENTER+pw,CR ENDIF PULSOUT SERVO,CENTER+pw ' spin servo in any case PAUSE 20 RETURN
Changes in the wheel add up to the pulse width in this code.
Here's some code that acts like a synchro (when using a continuously rotating servo):
' Alternate code: servo tracks wheel style2: IF i<>0 OR fpx<>0 THEN IF i>fpx THEN pw=i*100 ELSE pw=-(fpx*100) ENDIF DEBUG DEC i,":",DEC fpx," ",SDEC pw," ", SDEC CENTER+pw,CR FOR i=1 TO 10 PULSOUT SERVO,CENTER+pw PAUSE 20 NEXT ELSE PULSOUT SERVO,CENTER ' idle ENDIF RETURN
In this case, the servo stays centered unless the wheel moves. When the wheel moves, the code sends 10 pulses in the correct direction to move the servo along with the wheel.
This code is relatively simple. It doesn't track the speed of the wheel. Also, it is possible for the wheel to stop where one of the inputs is always high or even mechanically oscillate. You can detect these conditions by scanning the input pin or examining the duration registers, if it is important.
Of course, mice aren't the only thing that produce quadrature signals. Many shaft encoders (including some built into motors) produce quadrature output. It is easy to make your own encoder wheels (see
You can visit our PAK-VII page for more information about the device.
Here's the entire program including the PAK-VII library:
'{$STAMP BS2p} '{$PBASIC 2.5} '{$PORT COM1}
DATAP PIN 15 CLK PIN 14 SERVO PIN 7 CENTER CON 1900 ' center servo position ' Register names DURLOW CON %000 DURHIGH CON %001 RAWLOW CON %010 RAWHIGH CON %011 RISE CON %100 FALL CON %101 TICK200 CON %110 TICK CON %110 INP CON %110 VER CON %110 SUM CON %111 OUTPUT clk OUTPUT datap fpx VAR Word ' Integer used by some routines fpb VAR Byte ' byte ' parameters for FCommand chan VAR Nib register VAR Nib clearreg VAR Bit clearchan VAR Bit i VAR Word pw VAR Word GOSUB freset ' always reset! ' Turn on pull up resistors for input fpx=0 GOSUB fpullup chan=0 clearreg=0 xloop: clearchan=0 register=RISE GOSUB FCommand i=fpx register=FALL clearchan=1 GOSUB FCommand GOSUB style2 GOTO xloop ' wheel sets rotation direction speed style1: IF i<>0 OR fpx<>0 THEN IF i>fpx THEN pw=pw+(i*100) ELSE pw=pw-(fpx*100) ENDIF DEBUG DEC i,":",DEC fpx," ",SDEC pw," ", SDEC CENTER+pw,CR ENDIF PULSOUT SERVO,CENTER+pw PAUSE 20 RETURN ' Alternate code: servo tracks wheel style2: IF i<>0 OR fpx<>0 THEN IF i>fpx THEN pw=i*100 ELSE pw=-(fpx*100) ENDIF DEBUG DEC i,":",DEC fpx," ",SDEC pw," ", SDEC CENTER+pw,CR FOR i=1 TO 10 PULSOUT SERVO,CENTER+pw PAUSE 20 NEXT ELSE PULSOUT SERVO,CENTER ' idle ENDIF RETURN ' PAK VII library code from here down FReset: LOW DATAP LOW CLK HIGH CLK HIGH DATAP LOW CLK RETURN FCommand: ' inputs chan = channel, register = register, clearreg and clearchan fpb=(clearchan<<7) + (clearreg<<6) + (register<<3) + chan GOSUB FSendByte FReadWord: SHIFTIN datap,clk,MSBPRE,[fpx.LOWBYTE,fpx.HIGHBYTE] RETURN FTotalReset: fpb=$FF FSendByte: SHIFTOUT datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[fpb] RETURN FReadByte: SHIFTIN datap,clk,MSBPRE,[fpb] RETURN FPrescale: ' set fpb to the prescale constant fpb = fpb + $C0 GOTO FSendByte FPullUp: ' set fpx to the pull up mask fpb=%11010000 Fscmd: GOSUB FSendByte fpb=fpx GOTO FSendByte FThresh: ' set fpx to the threshold mask fpb=%11010001 GOTO Fscmd FSchmitt: ' set fpx to the Schmitt trigger mask fpb=%11010010 GOTO Fscmd
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