The APP-IIb is an exciting way to get started with PIC programming -- without a programmer. The APP-II uses TTL serial data to directly read and program hex files.
This page has resources for the APP-II. If you want to purchase the APP-II, you need our PIC programming page.
NEW! SeaBass Basic Compiler for the APP-II [
NEW! Program the APP-II in C [
html] [
Test program - This program is already in the APP-II when it ships [
source] [
First program - Use this one to finish testing the APP-II [
source for APP-IIb] [
hex for APP-IIb] [
source for original APP-II] [
hex for original APP-II]
Tutor program - The one used in our
Web tutorial [
source] [
Morse Code Beacon (from Dayton Hamfest) - Modified for the APP-II [
zip] [
original source]
APP2.INC - Include file to use APP2 libraries [
A/D demo - Use the APP-II to read voltages [
source] [
Visual Basic Scope - Use this VB program with the A/D demo to make a simple oscilloscope [
Using the APP2 with PIC Basic Pro - Program the APP2 in Basic with MELab's PICBasic Pro [
Manual - Manual in PDF format [
Loader - Loads hex files from the command line (batch file for Windows NT, 2000, or XP only; exe should work for any Windows version). Great for integrating with IDEs. Use of this is strictly optional. [
bat] [
exe New version 2 has optional GUI]
Java Loader - Works with Linux, Windows, or any Java platform that supports the Java Communications API (JCA). [
jar] [
Forth Tutorial - Learn how to use the powerful (and free) PIC Forth compiler [
APP2.FS - Forth include for using APP-II functions [
APP2 with Sharp Zaurus - Chris Camancho's GPUTILs port uses the Zaurus to program the APP-II! [