Years ago I worked for a process control consulting company. They had lots of smart chemical guys that could figure out, for example, how to make a factory make more plastic. I remember one time they were able to take the smell out of a plastic which let the client sell more plastic at a higher price.
The cornerstone to controlling chemical processes is the PID (proportional, integral, derivative) controller. A PID compares some value with a set point and generates an output that will -- over time -- bring the value to the setpoint value (or, at least, minimize the error so that the value hovers around the set point).
There are many approaches to the PID algorithm, and discussing yours is a great way to start a fight in a room full of chemical engineers. However, this month I'm going to show you an extremely simplified PID controller that uses a Basic Stamp and a PAK-IX. I'm sure the algorithm won't knock the socks off of anyone who knows a lot about the PID, but it does make a nice example of how the PAK-IX can read analog data, process it using floating point math, and produce results you wouldn't think you could do with a Stamp.
The PAK-IX interfaces with the Stamp using only two wires.
The SIN and SOUT pins connect together. A 4.7K pull up resistor attaches to the pins and this constitutes the data line you connect to the Stamp (pin 15 in the code). The CLK line connects to another Stamp pin (pin 14 in this program, although you can easily change either pin number, of course).
Tie ENABLE/BUSY and RESET high. Also, connect a pull up resistor to BUSY/MODE. The three-terminal resonator has its outer pins connected to RES1 and RES2. The center pin goes to ground. Of course, Vss goes to ground and Vdd goes to 5V.
That's the basic connections for the device. For this month's project I connected an RC circuit to pin 1 of the Stamp. This lets me output a value that corresponds to the control signal. I measure the "process value" at AD0 of the PAK-IX. The code, then has to accept a set point (in 1/10 volt units) and figure out how to adjust the 0 to 255 PWM value to reach the set point.
Of course, you could just compute the value, but what if you have an arbitrary network connected to the output. Then it might not be so simple. For example:
The values for R1 and C1 are not critical. Start without R2 and then add it after you've seen the set up work on the easy case.
Of course, you could just as easily use a PAK II if you had an external measurement and didn't need the PAK-IX's A/D converter. A PAK-I would work too, although the code below uses more memory than the PAK-I has, so it would require some changes.
A PID operates on a cycle. The algorithm compares the measured value (the process value) to the set point and computes the error (just the difference between the process value and the set point). Then, the algorithm computes an output value based on this error. There are three terms to the computation. Each term has a "gain" or coefficient that determines how much each term contributes to the final result. Gains can be fractional or even negative.
The three terms are:
Proportional - Just the gain times the error. A big error produces a big change in output. Negative gain reverses the action of the PID. | |
Integral - This is the integral of the error with respect to time. The integral action causes the output to "build up" towards the correct result. | |
Derivative - This term looks at the change in error. So a rapidly changing error produces more output (or less, if the gain is negative) than a slowly changing error. This term is often useful for retarding the output to avoid overshoot. |
There are many variations on this theme and this is a constant source of debate among those who care about such things. For example, some algorithms examine the rate of change of the process value, not the error. There are also refinements. For example, suppose you select a 4V set point in the circuit above and then adjust R2 so that R1 and R2 (and the PAK-IX's input resistance) forms a 4:1 voltage divider. Now the Stamp has to produce 16V to hit the set point. It can't do that (not without external hardware) so the PID "winds up". That is, the output will go to 255 (5V) and stay there. The integral then will build up over time until R2 is set to a more reasonable value. The problem is, the longer the wind up, the longer it takes for the I term to drift back down to a realistic value. To prevent this, many controllers incorporate "anti-reset windup" which stops the integral from building up when the PID is at its output limit.
You can find a very technical description of the PID at Probably the most useful thing there is this table:
Kp |
Decrease |
Increase |
Small Change |
Decrease |
Ki |
Decrease |
Increase |
Increase |
Eliminate |
Kd |
Small Change |
Decrease |
Decrease |
Small Change |
So, you can see that if the response overshoots (that is, goes past the set point) you should decrease the derivative gain.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to Beau and Tom Senyard who taught me everything I might know about this when I worked for them at Quad-S. Whatever I'm wrong about is my misunderstanding, not theirs.
To help you visualize the results of the Stamp algorithm, I wrote a simulation in Visual Basic. The program has a built in function that simulates the external network (in this case, a 50% voltage divider). You can see in the chart below that the yellow line is the error. It drops, zig zags, and then drops again. The error eventually settles at 0.
Click this thumbnail to see the whole graph.
The interesting part is at the start of the graph, so I've zoomed in on it:
Click on this thumbnail to see the whole graph.
This was run with gains of .5 (P), .5 (I), and .05(D) for no good reason. Of course, since we "know" the transfer function of the external network, we could "precalculate" the gain, but that's no fun and isn't very useful when the network characteristics are unknown.
Note that a real PID accounts for the time each sample represents. To keep things simple, I'm assuming one second for each loop. You'd have to modify the Stamp code to make it delay a second between measurements if you wanted the timing to be accurate.
You can download my Visual Basic files if you like, although I'll warn you that this was a quick and dirty program so don't expect a whole lot.
While I suppose you might be able to code an integer-only PID, it certainly doesn't appeal to anyone I've talked to. With a PAK-IX you can acquire analog values and do the floating point math, so it is a natural for PID applications.
My entire code is below, but there are a few parts that are very interesting.
To start, notice that the Stamp program uses several different ways to load numbers into the PAK. For constants (like .0048828125, the conversion factor for counts to voltage), the program loads a special hex number that represents this decimal number:
fpxhigh=$7720 ' .0048828125 (EU constant) fpxlow=0 gosub floadx
This number is from FConvert (supplied with the PAK):
However, I wanted to make the set point easy to change. So the Stamp treats the set point as a decimal number from 0 to 50 where 50 is 5.0V. So the units are 1/10 volt steps. It is easy to load an integer into the PAK, convert it into floating point, and then divide by 10 to get the correct set point:
fpx=33 ' Set point is 3.3V gosub floadint fpxhigh=$8220 ' constant for 10 fpxlow=0 gosub floady ' y=10 gosub fdiv ' now x = "real set point"
Also, to prevent a lot of overhead loading frequently used numbers (like the loop gains), the code stores nearly everything in the PAK-IX's registers. Then it recalls them which is faster than loading them (two output bytes instead of five, plus no waiting overhead). To make the code more readable, the program "names" the registers. For example, here's how the program handles the set point:
sp con 3 . . . fpx=33 gosub floadint fpxhigh=$8220 fpxlow=0 gosub floady ' y=10 gosub fdiv ' now x = "real set point" fpx=sp gosub fsto ' this puts the set point in register #3 . . . fpx=sp gosub frcl gosub fsub ' X=SP-PV
This is a useful trick which not only makes things faster, but saves variable space in the Stamp as well.
Notice that while the code is long, everything after "' END OF TEST CODE ----" is the standard library shipped with the PAK-IX.
Start with no variable resistor and verify that the output moves towards 3.3V and then settles down. Then you can try shunting the output with a fixed or variable resistor to see the effect. Remember, if you force the PID to either extreme it will wind up -- you can't make the Stamp put out more than 5V or less than 0V! The feedback network, of course, could be anything. A transistor or op amp circuit would give you some practice at tuning real hard-to-predict loops.
Here's the code:
'{$STAMP BS2p} ' This is a very simple example PID ' controller for the PAK-IX ' The Stamp generates a PWM train ' which is fed through an unknown RC filter ' the PAK-IX reads the corresponding ' voltage and controls the output ' to achieve a setpoint ' The PID is very crude -- no anti reset windup or ' derivitive filtering although you could ' add these features if you wanted to do so. ' For simplicity, the loop assumes T=1 ' however, in real life you'd probably ' want to put a real delay in the loop ' and modify the algorithm accordingly ' This software is provided "AS IS" ' with no warrantee of its fitness ' for a particular purpose ' (c) 2002 by AWC ' Change these to suit your setup datap con 15 ' Data pin (I/O) datapin var in15 clk con 14 ' Clk pin (output) ' Enable/Busy if used (not used in example schematic) en con 8 EnableBit var in8 ' Constants for options FSaturate con $80 FRound con $40 'input en ' remove this line if not using Enable/Busy output clk output datap fpstatus var byte ' FPSTATUS - last result code fpx var word ' Integer used by some routines fpdigit var byte ' Digit returned from DIGIT fpxlow var word ' The X register low & high fpxhigh var word fpb var byte ' Temporary byte ' The X register in bytes fpxb0 var fpxlow.lowbyte fpxb1 var fpxlow.highbyte fpxb2 var fpxhigh.lowbyte fpxb3 var fpxhigh.highbyte gosub freset ' always reset! ' TEST CODE -- REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN fpx=$40 gosub FOption ' set RND i var word x var byte ' output variable ' floating point variables on the PAK intg con 0 err con 1 lasterr con 2 sp con 3 kp con 4 kd con 5 ki con 6 euk con 7 temp con 8 ' initial conditions x=0 ' no output fpxhigh=$7720 ' .0048828125 (EU constant) fpxlow=0 gosub floadx fpx=euk gosub fsto ' store EU constant gosub fzerox fpx=intg gosub fsto ' 0 integral fpx=lasterr gosub fsto fpxhigh=$7F40 ' 1.5 fpxlow=$0000 gosub floadx fpx=kp gosub fsto ' kp=1.5 fpx=ki gosub fsto ' ki=1.5 fpxhigh=$7975 fpxlow=$C28F ' kp=.03 gosub floadx fpx=kp gosub fsto ' Load set point in 1/10 volts as an integer ' as though the Stamp had read it from a keyboard ' or computed it from a pot, etc. So 33 = 3.3V fpx=33 gosub floadint fpxhigh=$8220 fpxlow=0 gosub floady ' y=10 gosub fdiv ' now x = "real set point" fpx=sp gosub fsto debug "Setpoint = " fpx=4 ' display gosub fdump debug cr pidloop: ' Output to our "valve" this is the control output pwm 1,x,1000 fpx=euk gosub frcl gosub fxtoy ' Y = euk ' read two A/D samples fpx=0 ' channel # fpb=2 ' # of samples gosub fa2d gosub fmult ' convert to volts debug "PV=" fpx=1 ' display gosub fdump debug " " gosub fxtoy fpx=sp gosub frcl gosub fsub ' X=SP-PV fpx=err gosub fsto ' store error gosub fxtoy fpx=intg gosub frcl gosub fadd ' intg=intg+error (assume T=1) fpx=intg gosub fsto gosub fxtoy fpx=ki gosub frcl gosub fmult ' X=integral term fpx=temp gosub fsto ' put it away fpx=lasterr gosub frcl gosub fxtoy fpx=err gosub frcl gosub fsub ' compute (error-error0) gosub fxtoy fpx=kp gosub frcl gosub fmult ' compute deriv. term gosub fxtoy fpx=temp gosub frcl gosub fadd ' add to integral term fpx=temp gosub fsto ' put it back fpx=err gosub frcl ' get error term again fpx=lasterr ' and store it in last error gosub fsto gosub fxtoy ' then multiply by kp fpx=kp gosub frcl gosub fmult gosub fxtoy fpx=temp gosub frcl gosub fadd ' add all terms together 'lets add .5 to make sure we round OK fpxhigh=$7E00 fpxlow=0 gosub floady gosub fadd ' need to clamp output to 0-255 gosub fint x=0 ' guess that answer is negative if fpxhigh.bit7=1 then isetx ' clamp anything >255 ($FF) x=$FF ' guess that it is >$FF if fpxhigh<>0 or fpx>$FF then isetx ' no, it wasn't >$FF so set it for real x=fpx isetx: debug "Output=",dec x debug cr goto pidloop end ' END OF TEST CODE ---- ' Reset the Pak9 FReset: LOW DATAP LOW CLK HIGH CLK HIGH DATAP LOW CLK pause 50 ' wait for reload return ' Wait for enable - not used in example ' but if you use hardware enable, this is the code you need FBsyWait: if EnableBit=0 then FBsyWait return ' Wait for +,-,*,/,INT,FLOAT, & DIGIT Fwaitdata: input DATAP if DATAPIN=1 then Fwaitdata return ' A/D fa2d: SHIFTOUT DATAP,CLK,MSBFIRST,[$29,(fpb-1)<<4+fpx] ' a/d goto fpstat ' Configure A/D fa2dconf: SHIFTOUT DATAP,CLK,MSBFIRST,[$28,fpx] return ' EEPROM storage festo: SHIFTOUT DATAP,CLK,MSBFIRST,[$2A] goto fpstats ' EEPROM recall fercl: SHIFTOUT DATAP,CLK,MSBFIRST,[$2B] goto fpstats ' poly fpb=register, fpx=degree fpoly: shiftout datap,clk,msbfirst,[$27,(fpx-1)<<5+fpb] goto fpstat 'Change sign FChs: fpb=10 FSendByte: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[fpb] return 'Absolute Value FAbs: fpb=17 goto FSendByte ' Store to register in FPX (0-23) FSto: fpb=18 fstox: gosub FSendByte fpb=fpx goto FSendByte FRcl: ' Recall from register FPX fpb=19 goto fstox ' Store0 -- compatible with PAK1 FSto0: fpb=18 fstx: gosub FSendByte fpb=1 goto FSendByte 'Store1 -- compatible with PAK1 FSto1: fpb=18 fstx1: gosub FSendByte fpb=2 goto FSendByte 'Rcl0 - Compatible with PAK1 FRcl0: fpb=19 goto fstx 'Rcl1 ' Compatible with PAK1 FRcl1: fpb=19 goto fstx1 ' Load X with fpxhigh, fpxlow FLoadX: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[1,fpxb3,fpxb2,fpxb1,fpxb0] return ' Load Y FLoadY: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[2,fpxb3,fpxb2,fpxb1,fpxb0] return ' Load X with 0 FZeroX: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[1,0,0,0,0] return ' Load Y with 0 FZeroY: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[2,0,0,0,0] return ' Load an integer from FPX to X FLoadInt: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[1,0,0,fpx.highbyte,fpx.lowbyte] ' Convert from Int Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[7] goto fpstat ' to int FInt: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[11] gosub Fwaitdata Shiftin datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[fpstatus] if fpstatus<>0 then FInterr ' Read the X register FreadX: fpb=3 gosub FSendByte ShiftIn datap,clk,MSBPRE,[fpxb3,fpxb2,fpxb1,fpxb0] fpx = fpxlow FInterr: return ' Swap X and Y FSwap: fpb=4 goto FSendByte ' Load X with pi FPI: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[1,$80,$49,$F,$DB] return ' Load X with e Fe: Shiftout datap,clk, MSBFIRST,[1,$80,$2D,$F8,$54] return ' X=X*Y FMult: fpb=12 fpstats: gosub FSendByte fpstat: gosub FWaitdata Shiftin datap,clk,MSBPRE,[fpstatus] return ' status ' X=X/Y FDiv: fpb=13 goto fpstats ' X=X+Y FAdd: fpb=15 goto fpstats ' X=X-Y FSub: fpb=14 goto fpstats ' Get Digit (fpx is digit #) return in fpdigit FGetDigit: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[5,fpx] Fgetdigw: gosub fwaitdata ShiftIn datap,clk,MSBPRE,[fpdigit] return ' Dump a number fpx is # of digits before decimal point ' Assumes 6 digits after decimal point ' Change $86 below to change digits after DP ' So $83, for example, would be 3 digits after DP FDump: fdj var byte fdnz var bit fdjj var byte fdjj=fpx fpx=0 fdnz=0 gosub FgetDigit ' Remove this line to print + and space if fpdigit="+" or fpdigit=" " then Fdumppos Debug fpdigit Fdumppos: for fdj=1 to fdjj fpx=fdjj+1-fdj gosub FgetDigit if fpdigit="0" and fdnz=0 then FdumpNext fdnz=1 Debug fpdigit Fdumpnext next Debug "." for fpx=$81 to $86 gosub FgetDigit Debug fpdigit next return ' Set options in fpx ' $80 = saturate ' $40 = round FOption: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[$10,fpx] return ' Copy X to Y FXtoY: fpb=$17 goto FSendByte ' Copy Y to X FYtoX: fpb=$18 goto FSendByte ' PORT A Routines ' Set I/O Direction (dir in fpx) IODir: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[$14,fpx] return ' Write bits in FPX to I/O port IOWrite: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[$16,fpx] return ' Read bits to FPX IORead: fpb=$15 gosub FSendByte Shiftin datap,clk,MSBPRE,[fpx] return ' PORT B Routines ' Set I/O Direction (dir in fpx) IODir1: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[$94,fpx] return ' Write bits in FPX to I/O port IOWrite1: Shiftout datap,clk,MSBFIRST,[$96,fpx] return ' Read bits to FPX IORead1: fpb=$95 gosub FSendByte Shiftin datap,clk,MSBPRE,[fpx] return ' Square Root fsqrt: fpb=25 goto fpstats ' Log (base e) flog: fpb=26 goto fpstats ' Log (base 10) flog10: fpb=27 goto fpstats ' e**X fexp: fpb=28 goto fpstats ' 10**X fexp10: fpb=29 goto fpstats ' X=X**Y fpow: fpb=30 goto fpstats ' X=X**(1/Y) froot: fpb=31 goto fpstats ' X=1/X; frecip: fpb=$20 goto fpstats ' X=X**2 ; does not destroy Y, but destroys fpxlow/fpxhigh Fsquare: gosub fswap ' get y gosub freadx ' save it gosub fytox ' y->x gosub fmult ' x=x*y gosub floady ' restore old y return ' Arcsin(X) FArcSin: fpb=$A1 goto fpstats ' Arccos(X) FArcCos: fpb=$A2 goto fpstats ' ArcTan(X) FArcTan: fpb=$A3 goto fpstats ' sin(x) FSin: fpb=$21 goto fpstats ' cos(x) FCos: fpb=$22 goto fpstats ' tan(x) FTan: fpb=$23 goto fpstats
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