Looking for a simpler way to do floating point math and analog I/O? Check out our new PAK-XII!
What is 10 divided by 3? Your Basic Stamp thinks the answer is 3! Most other microcontrollers can't do any better because they all use integer math. Sometimes you can get by with integer math, but sometimes you need precision floating point results. That's where the PAK-I can help.
AWC is pleased to introduce the first of its Stamp Pak series of coprocessors: the PAK-I Math Coprocessor. This easy to use chip augments your Stamp or other microcontroller with full 32-bit floating point math. The PAK-I is a standard 18-pin IC that can interface with your microcontroller using only 2 pins (the PAK-II is a 28-pin .3" package).
Features include:
With the PAK-I you'll receive the IC, a ceramic resonator, a manual, and a software disk. The disk contains examples, and a program to convert between decimal numbers to the Pak-I and IEEE754 formats. The manual explains the communications protocol in detail, the connections required to the chip, and the commands you can use.
Read the manuals online in pdf format: PAK-I or PAK-II. You can also read some technical notes and example applications in the Document Library.
The PAK-II has the same great features, but includes: 16 I/O pins, log, ln, 10**x, e**x, sin, cos, tan, sqrt, x**y, and root functions. You can store 24 temporary results. Code is compatible with the PAK-I.
For example, suppose you need to compute 5X-3 (this is the classic y=mX+b equation). You could load register 1 with 5 and register 2 with -3 (using the STO command). Then simply execute the POLY command to computer X=5X-3.
Suppose you wanted to compute .5X**3 + 3X**2 - 6.1X + .33 -- then you could store .5, 3, 6.1, and .33 in any four consecutive registers and issue a POLY command to make the required calculations. The PAK-II can automatically compute polynomials up to order 8 using this command.
The PAK-I is in a standard 18-pin DIP package. The PAK-II is a 28-pin .3" package. Although the PAKs are especially easy to use with the Stamp, you can use them with any microcontroller. Here's some example code for the PIC and the Ubicom SX.
Try a PAK-I or PAK-II for 21 days. If you aren't delighted, just send it back undamaged for a full refund of your purchase price. But once you see your Stamp handling real numbers, you won't want to be without it.
Need volume pricing?Add to Cart PAK-II Coprocessor (Surface mount SOIC package w/through hole resonator) $32.95 each
Add to Cart PAK-IX Coprocessor (28 pin DIP w/resonator) $32.95 each Add to Cart PAK-IX Coprocessor (Surface mount SOIC package w/through hole resonator) $34.95 each
Notice: Basic Stamps are a product of Parallax Inc. AWC is in no way affiliated with Parallax.
Saves your development time
Consumes very few processor resources
Handles 32-bit floating point numbers
Adds extra digital I/O
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