If you need floating point math with a Javelin, the PAK-I can easily interface to the Javelin. Here is a class that will let you access the PAK-I commands:
package com.al-williams; import stamp.core.*; /** * PAK-I object * <p> * This class interfaces with a PAK-I using 2-wire mode * Connect the PAK-I as shown in the manual. * * * @version 1.0 15 Jan 2002 * @author Al Williams */ public class PAK1 { /** data pin */ protected int datap; /** clock pin */ protected int clkp; /** The high order 16-bit word of the 32-bit result */ public int resultHigh; /** The low order 16-bit word of the 32-bit result */ public int resultLow; /** Status of last operation */ public int status; /** Set this option for rounding */ public final static int ROUND=0x40; /** Set this option for saturation to infinity */ public final static int SAT=0x80; /** Construct a PAK-I object @param datapin The pin connected to the PAK-I's SIN/SOUT pins @param clkpin The pin connected to the PAK-I's CLK pin */ public PAK1(int datapin, int clkpin) { datap=datapin; clkp=clkpin; pakreset(); } public void pakreset() { CPU.writePin(datap,false); // data CPU.writePin(clkp,false); // clock CPU.writePin(clkp,true); // clock CPU.writePin(datap,true); // data CPU.writePin(clkp,false); // clock send(8); status=rcv(); } public void loadX(int highPart, int lowPart) { send(1); send(highPart>>8); send(highPart&0xFF); send(lowPart>>8); send(lowPart&0xFF); } public void loadY (int highPart, int lowPart) { send(2); send(highPart>>8); send(highPart&0xFF); send(lowPart>>8); send(lowPart&0xFF); } public int readX() { send(3); resultHigh=rcv()<<8; resultHigh+=rcv(); resultLow=rcv()<<8; resultLow+=rcv(); return resultLow; } public void swap() { send(4); } public int intLoadX(int n) { loadX(0,n); send(7); wait(); status=rcv(); return status; } public int intLoadY(int n) { int rc; swap(); rc=intLoadX(n); swap(); return rc; } public char digit(int n) { send(5); send(n); wait(); return (char) rcv(); } public int chs() { send(0xA); wait(); status=rcv(); return status; } public int mult() { send(0xC); wait(); status=rcv(); return status; } public int div() { send(0xD); wait(); status=rcv(); return status; } public int sub() { send(0xE); wait(); status=rcv(); return status; } public void setOpt(int n) { send(0x10); send(n); } public void abs() { send(0x11); } public void sto(int n) { int r=0x12; if (n<0 || n>1) return; if (n==1) r+=0x80; send(r); } public void rcl(int n) { int r=0x13; if (n<0 || n>1) return; if (n==1) r+=0x80; send(r); } public void setDir(int n) { send(0x14); send(n); } public int read() { send(0x15); return rcv(); } public void write(int n) { send(0x16); send(n); } public void XtoY() { send(0x17); } public void YtoX() { send(0x18); } public int square() { XtoY(); return mult(); } public void power(int n) { if (n==0) { intLoadX(1); return; } if (n==1) return; XtoY(); while (--n!=0) { mult(); } } public int getXInt() { send(0xB); wait(); status=rcv(); return readX(); } public int add() { send(0xF); wait(); status=rcv(); return status; } public void debug(int n) { debug(n,3); } public void debug(int n, int debugPrec) { int i; System.out.print(digit(0)); // print sign for (i=n;i>0;i--) System.out.print(digit(i)); System.out.print("."); for (i=0x81;i<=0x80+debugPrec;i++) System.out.print(digit(i)); } public void sqrt() { sqrt(0x7503,0x126F); } public void sqrt(int sqrtLimitHigh, int sqrtLimitLow) { char sgn; sto(1); // save target number in R1 loadY(makeUint(0x80,00),0); // divide by 2 div(); sto(0); // R0=guess do { square(); swap(); rcl(1); sub(); abs(); loadY(sqrtLimitHigh,sqrtLimitLow); // tollerance .001 sub(); sgn=digit(0); if (sgn=='+') { rcl(0); square(); swap(); rcl(1); swap(); sub(); readX(); // store temporary rcl(0); swap(); loadX(makeUint(0x80,00),0); // load 2 mult(); swap(); // restore temporary loadX(resultHigh,resultLow); div(); swap(); rcl(0); sub(); sto(0); // new guess } } while (sgn=='+'); rcl(0); } public static int makeUint(int highByte, int lowByte) { int work; if (highByte<=0x7F) return highByte<<8+lowByte; if (highByte==0x80 && lowByte==0) return -32768; lowByte--; lowByte^=0xFF; highByte^=0xFF; // sure to have top bit OFF return -((highByte<<8)+lowByte); } protected void send(int n) { CPU.shiftOut(datap,clkp,8,CPU.SHIFT_MSB,n<<8); } protected void wait() { while (CPU.readPin(datap)); } protected void clock() { CPU.writePin(clkp,true); CPU.writePin(clkp,false); } protected int rcv() { return CPU.shiftIn(datap,clkp,8,CPU.PRE_CLOCK_MSB); } }
Using the class is easy. Here's a simple test program:
import stamp.core.*; import com.al_williams.PAK1; public class pak1test { public static int makeUint(int highByte, int lowByte) { return (highByte<<8)|lowByte; } public static void sqrttable(PAK1 pak1) { int i; for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) { pak1.intLoadX(i); pak1.debug(4); System.out.print(" "); pak1.sqrt(); pak1.debug(2); System.out.println(" "); } } public static void main() { int v; PAK1 pak1=new PAK1(CPU.pin15,CPU.pin14); sqrttable(pak1); pak1.intLoadX(22); pak1.intLoadY(7); pak1.div(); // pi is almost = 22/7 pak1.debug(1); // prints +3.142 (the 1 argument is digits b4 decimal) System.out.println("Done"); pak1.setDir(0xFF); // Set spare I/O to output v=0xAA; while (true) { pak1.write(v); // write to I/O port v^=0xFF; // Flip from AA/55 CPU.delay(100); // wait a bit so we can see LEDs flash } } }
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