Dr. Nabil Rami was kind enough to forward this code that he has successfully used with the PAK-VII and the OOPic. These commands should also be useful for other "ShiftIn/ShiftOut" PAKs (all but the PAK-V and VI). The main parts that concern the PAK are the FReset command (initial reset), shift_out (send a byte), and shift_in_word (read a 16-bit word). Obviously, for some PAKs you'd need to be able to read in a byte as well, but that should be straightforward from this program.

Thanks Dr. Rami!

'Example of using the PAK VII with an OOPIC to read the value of 
'of pulses from a servo PWM signal r/c receiver hooked to the PAK VII
'PAK VII data input and output are connected to the OOPIC line 7, the clock is Line 5 in the OOPIC
'Done by Nabil Rami nrami@rbd.com
'some of this code was initially done by Tony Brenke

Dim wPakReceivedData As New oWord
Dim clock_pin as new oDio1
Dim data_pin as new oDio1
Dim LCD as new oLcd

Const PakResetCommand = &hFF
const Servo0Com = &b01001000 

Sub Main ()
call setup

shift_out(Servo0Com) 'send serco0 command
wPakReceivedData=shift_in_word 'receive response
lcd.string = str$(wPakReceivedData) 'display the result
oopic.delay = 50 'hold it for half a second

loop 'run all the time
end sub

sub Setup() 

LCD.IOLineRS = 26 ' Set up the oLCD object
LCD.IOLineE = 27 
LCD.IOGroup = 3
LCD.Nibble = 1
LCD.Operate = 1 ' Turn on the oLCD Object.
LCD.Init ' Initialize the LCD Module.
LCD.Clear ' Clear the screen.

clock_pin.ioline = 5 'use line 5 for clock
clock_pin.direction = cvoutput 'clock line is always used as output

data_pin.ioline = 7 'use line 7 for data input and output

call Freset 'reset using data and clock sequencing

shift_out(PakResetCommand) 'reset using the total reset command
oopic.delay = 10 'let it settle
end sub

sub Freset() 'reset using clock and data sequence

clock_pin.value=0 'make sure the clock is at low level
data_pin.direction = cvoutput 'data line should be used as an output this time
data_pin.value = 0 'make sure the data is at low level
clock_pin.value=1 'switch the clock to one
data_pin.value = 1 'then while the clock is at one switch data to one
clock_pin.value=0 'then switch the clock back to one while data is still at one
data_pin.value = 0
oopic.delay = 10 'let it settle

end sub

sub shift_out(dataout as byte) 'send an 8-bit value one bit at a time. the MSB first
dim tmp as new obyte
dim count as new obyte
tmp = dataout
count.value = 8 'we are sending 8 bits
clock_pin.value = 0 
data_pin.direction = cvoutput 'now the data line is set to be used as output
if count.value > 0 then
data_pin.value = tmp.msb 'set the data line to the MSB 
clock_pin.value = 1 'pulse the clock
clock_pin.value = 0
tmp.lshift 'left shift so the next character become the MSB
exit do 'exit when we have sent all 8 bits
end if
end sub

' receive a 16-bit value one byte at a time with the lowest byte 
' first using presampling method with the MSB first
function shift_in_word() as word Dim data_in as new oBit 
dim tmp3 as new oByte
dim tmp4 as new oWord
dim counter2 as new obyte
counter2.value=8 'receiving 8 bits first 
clock_pin.value = 0
data_pin.direction = cvinput 'at this time the data line is used as an input to receive data
if counter2.value > 0 then
tmp3.lshift 'we are receiving data from the highest to the lower bit
data_in.value= data_pin.value 'read the value of one bit
tmp3.value = data_in.value + tmp3.value 'add the new bit to the rest of bit sequence
clock_pin.value = 1 'pulse the clock for the next bit
clock_pin.value = 0
exit do 'exit when we done receiving the lower byte
end if

counter2.value=8 'redo the same thing with the second byte
if counter2.value > 0 then
data_in.value= data_pin.value
tmp4.value = data_in.value + tmp4.value
clock_pin.value = 1 
clock_pin.value = 0
exit do
end if

counter2.value=8 'left shift the second byte eight times so it position itself in the upper byte of the 16-bit word
if counter2.value > 0 then
exit do
end if

shift_in_word = tmp3.value + tmp4.value 'add the lower byte with the upper byte to form the 16-bit value received
end function

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