Although we bill the ABX84 as an Altera MAX development board, you can use it -- and its associated JTAG adapter -- with the readily-available Atmel ATF15xxx CPLDs. These are pin compatible with the ABX84, and the Atmel ISP software will directly operate our JTAG adapter (it looks like a ByteBlaster).
For configuration, you have two options:
All the software just mentioned is at If you are using Altera's tools and just want to use the ATF device as a second source, you can run winpof2jed which looks like this:
The JED file produced will work with the ATMELISP software and the ABX84's JTAG adapter. The ATMELISP program has a nice tutorial, but here are the basic steps:
Start the program
Set your hardware settings (LPT1 and ByteBlaster, for example)
Select File | New to make a new "chain file"
Enter the number of devices on your JTAG chain (usually 1, in this case)
Under JTAG instruction select Program/Verify and pick the correct device type
Select the JED file you want to program and press OK
Press Run to execute the "chain file"; the program will ask you to save the chain file first
Once you have saved the chain file, you'll be able to load it directly and skip the first 6 steps.
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