You can try
SeaBass by compiling the sample program to the left or by entering your own program (see the
Seabass Manual for more details).
- You can't use INCLUDE
- The demo is limited to 10 lines of input
- The -l option is in effect so no #line directives are generated
- The -c option is in effect so no C compilation occurs
- After you select an example or change the code, press Compile
There are a few differences between SeaBass and Basic:
- All variables must be declared with Dim or Array
- Comments at the end of a line start with ` (a back quote) instead of an ordinary quote
- Arrays use square brackets ([]) for indices
- Identifier names for variables, functions, and subroutines are case sensitive
- Calling a subroutine or a function with no arguments still requires empty parenthesis
- Functions return a value via the RETURN statement
- You must avoid using words reserved by your C compiler as identifiers even if they are legal Basic identifiers
- Parameters are passed to functions and subroutines by value, not by reference (that is, functions and subroutines receive copies of their arguments by default)
- There is no GOSUB statement (SeaBass uses named functions with formal parameters)
- SeaBass does not support Basic string handling (although you can use C-language strings with no problem)
- SeaBass uses C-language operators, most of which are the same as their Basic equivalents; a few are different (for example Basics MOD operator is % in SeaBass, hex numbers use 0x as in 0xFF)
- There is one exception to the last rule. Although C uses == and != as operators, SeaBas recognizes = and <> for these operations just as Basic does
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