Compound Conditions
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You may have noticed that the Condition tab can only take one condition at a time. You might wonder what happens if you need to handle multiple conditions. The answer is to break the condition up into multiple steps.

There are two ways you might combine conditions. As an example, consider if wanted to perform a step depending on the values of analog channels 2 and 3. You might want to look for channel 2 to exceed 2V OR channel 3 to exceed 2V. Alternately, you might want to look for channel 2 AND channel 3 to both exceed 2V. In addition, you might want to wait for the condition or you may wish to not wait.

Suppose you have three steps: Tag20 is the step that will check analog channel 2. Tag21 is the step that will check analog channel 3. Tag30 is the next step after the two analog tests. You may need to add one more step between Tag21 and Tag30 to get the result you want.

V2 OR V3 (wait)

            Condition: A2>2
            Action: Whatever action you want to occur
            Next Step: Tag30
            Condition: A3>2
            Action: Whatever action you want to occur
            Next Step: Tag30
            Note: A2 and A3 didn't trigger so, try again
            Condition: Always
            Action: None
            Next Step: Tag20
            . . .

V2 OR V3 (no wait)
            Condition: A2>2
            Action: Whatever action you want to occur
            Next Step: Tag30
            Condition: A3>2
            Action: Whatever action you want to occur
            Next Step: Next
            . . .

V2 AND V3 (wait)
            Condition: A2>2 (Wait)
            Action: None
            Next Step: Next
            Condition: A3>2 (Wait)
            Action: Whatever action you want to occur
            Next Step: Next
            . . .

V2 AND V3 (no wait)
            Note: Note that <= is the opposite of >, so the condition is "backwards"
            Condition: A2<=2
            Action: None
            Next Step: Tag30
            Condition: A3<=2
            Action: None
            Next Step: Tag30
            Note: A2 and A3 met threshold
            Condition: Always
            Action: Whatever action you want to occur
            Next Step: Next
            . . .